Another day, another song.
The lyrics are on the video
Francis Dunnery (born 25 December 1962), from Egremont[1], Cumberland, England, is an English musician. He was a founding member of the 1980s band It Bites. Although he started on drums, he later became the lead singer and guitarist of the group, and maintained this position until he left in 1990 to pursue a solo career.
Francis Dunnery is the son of Charles and Kathleen Dunnery and the younger brother of the late Barry "Baz" Dunnery - a celebrated Cumbrian rock guitarist who had made a name for himself as a member of heavy rock band Necromandus. (Baz Dunnery was subsequently a member of Ozzy Osbourne's first post-Black Sabbath band (preceding the formation of the Randy Rhoads-led Blizzard of Oz band [2]) and was later in Violinski).
Dunnery has remembered “Baz... was always in bands and there were constantly instruments around me when I was growing up... He was the first musician I ever saw – I think I would have been around seven, there were twelve years between us so I was the pest, always trying to sneak a go on his gear. I remember once he got a Marshall amp, and I was always sneaking into his room and having a go on it, which he hated because he thought I would break it, which I probably would have done. One day he left it on maximum volume, and I crept in and started strumming the guitar. It made the loudest noise I’d ever heard and scared the life out of me.[3]”
Francis and Baz Dunnery remained close until the latter's death in June 2008, with Baz joining his brother on stage several times during Francis' solo career. Francis also credits Baz with coming up with the riff for his song "Riding On The Back".
More on wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sebadoh - On Fire
Dupa cum am promis.
My opinion could change today, but I’m responsible anyway
For second or third hand information
That complicates the complication
And I don’t think before I speak
And I don’t know how far my words reach
So wrong nearly every time, that I’m sorry I speak my mind
If what I said was unkind
Now it feels like I’m on fire
It’s burning the world through
But don’t hold it against me, ‘cuz I know you’re lying, too
Is there any need for apology? There’s no reason to believe me
Judgments born in my jealous mind, creeping inside outside
Connections I’ve made never follow through
And sooner or later disappoint you
Or cross you twice when your back is turned, that’s how I’ve learned
That someone has got to be burned
Now it feels like I’m on fire, these words are not the truth
But don’t hold it against me, ‘cuz I know you’re lying, too
Feels like I’m on fire, it’s burning the world through
Don’t let me fall without someone to hold on to
Someone to hold to, someone to hold on to
Sebadoh is an American indie rock band formed in 1986 in Westfield, Massachusetts by Eric Gaffney and Dinosaur Jr bass player Lou Barlow. Along with such bands as Pavement and Guided by Voices, Sebadoh helped pioneer lo-fi music, a style of indie rock characterized by low-fidelity recording techniques, often on four-track machines. The band's early output, such as 1990's Weed Forestin' and 1991's Sebadoh III, was typical of this style, and wavered between Barlow's wry, introspective folk and Gaffney's psychedelic noise-rock experiments.
Sursa: Wikipedia
My opinion could change today, but I’m responsible anyway
For second or third hand information
That complicates the complication
And I don’t think before I speak
And I don’t know how far my words reach
So wrong nearly every time, that I’m sorry I speak my mind
If what I said was unkind
Now it feels like I’m on fire
It’s burning the world through
But don’t hold it against me, ‘cuz I know you’re lying, too
Is there any need for apology? There’s no reason to believe me
Judgments born in my jealous mind, creeping inside outside
Connections I’ve made never follow through
And sooner or later disappoint you
Or cross you twice when your back is turned, that’s how I’ve learned
That someone has got to be burned
Now it feels like I’m on fire, these words are not the truth
But don’t hold it against me, ‘cuz I know you’re lying, too
Feels like I’m on fire, it’s burning the world through
Don’t let me fall without someone to hold on to
Someone to hold to, someone to hold on to
Sebadoh is an American indie rock band formed in 1986 in Westfield, Massachusetts by Eric Gaffney and Dinosaur Jr bass player Lou Barlow. Along with such bands as Pavement and Guided by Voices, Sebadoh helped pioneer lo-fi music, a style of indie rock characterized by low-fidelity recording techniques, often on four-track machines. The band's early output, such as 1990's Weed Forestin' and 1991's Sebadoh III, was typical of this style, and wavered between Barlow's wry, introspective folk and Gaffney's psychedelic noise-rock experiments.
Sursa: Wikipedia
Anunt,. Pentru cei interesati
O sa imi dau silinta ca de acum in colo sa postez zilnic melodia zile.
Revenind la o dragoste mai veche: o tanti talentata
Hahn began playing the violin one month before her fourth birthday in the Suzuki Program of Baltimore's Peabody Conservatory.[1] She participated in a Suzuki class for a year. Between 1984 and 1989 Hahn studied in Baltimore under Klara Berkovich. In 1990, at ten, Hahn was admitted to the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where she became a student of Jascha Brodsky. Hahn studied with Brodsky for seven years and learned the études of Kreutzer, Ševčík, Gaviniès, Rode, and the Paganini Caprices. She learned twenty-eight violin concertos, recital programs, and several other short pieces.[2]
In 1991, Hahn made her major orchestral debut with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Soon thereafter, Hahn debuted with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and the New York Philharmonic. In 1995 Hahn made her international debut in Germany with a performance of the Beethoven Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major with Lorin Maazel and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. The concert was broadcast on radio and television in Europe. A year later, Hahn debuted at Carnegie Hall in New York as a soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
By sixteen, Hahn had completed the Curtis Institute's university requirements, but elected to remain for several years to pursue elective courses, until her graduation in May 1999 with a Bachelor of Music degree. During this time she coached violin with Jaime Laredo, and studied chamber music with Felix Galimir and Gary Graffman. In an interview with PBS in December 2001, Hahn stated that of all the musical disciplines, she is most interested in musical performance.[3]
Hahn has played with orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. She debuted with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in March 2007. Hahn and mandolinist Chris Thile have discussed the possibility of releasing a duo album.[4][5]
In 2007, she played in Vatican City as part of the celebrations for Pope Benedict XVI together with the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra and conductor Gustavo Dudamel.
She began performing and touring in a crossover duo with singer-songwriter Josh Ritter in 2007 and with singer-songwriter Tom Brosseau in 2005.[6] According to Hahn: "Other musicians cross genres all the time. For me it's not crossover — I just enter their world. It frees you up to think in a different way from what you've been trained to do."[7]
Recently, she has commissioned Canadian composer Christos Hatzis to compose a violin and piano piece as part of her upcoming "encore series".[8]
She speaks English[9], French[10] and German[11][12] fluently and also speaks Japanese.[13]
Hahn began playing the violin one month before her fourth birthday in the Suzuki Program of Baltimore's Peabody Conservatory.[1] She participated in a Suzuki class for a year. Between 1984 and 1989 Hahn studied in Baltimore under Klara Berkovich. In 1990, at ten, Hahn was admitted to the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where she became a student of Jascha Brodsky. Hahn studied with Brodsky for seven years and learned the études of Kreutzer, Ševčík, Gaviniès, Rode, and the Paganini Caprices. She learned twenty-eight violin concertos, recital programs, and several other short pieces.[2]
In 1991, Hahn made her major orchestral debut with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Soon thereafter, Hahn debuted with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and the New York Philharmonic. In 1995 Hahn made her international debut in Germany with a performance of the Beethoven Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major with Lorin Maazel and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. The concert was broadcast on radio and television in Europe. A year later, Hahn debuted at Carnegie Hall in New York as a soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
By sixteen, Hahn had completed the Curtis Institute's university requirements, but elected to remain for several years to pursue elective courses, until her graduation in May 1999 with a Bachelor of Music degree. During this time she coached violin with Jaime Laredo, and studied chamber music with Felix Galimir and Gary Graffman. In an interview with PBS in December 2001, Hahn stated that of all the musical disciplines, she is most interested in musical performance.[3]
Hahn has played with orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. She debuted with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in March 2007. Hahn and mandolinist Chris Thile have discussed the possibility of releasing a duo album.[4][5]
In 2007, she played in Vatican City as part of the celebrations for Pope Benedict XVI together with the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra and conductor Gustavo Dudamel.
She began performing and touring in a crossover duo with singer-songwriter Josh Ritter in 2007 and with singer-songwriter Tom Brosseau in 2005.[6] According to Hahn: "Other musicians cross genres all the time. For me it's not crossover — I just enter their world. It frees you up to think in a different way from what you've been trained to do."[7]
Recently, she has commissioned Canadian composer Christos Hatzis to compose a violin and piano piece as part of her upcoming "encore series".[8]
She speaks English[9], French[10] and German[11][12] fluently and also speaks Japanese.[13]
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ever wondered where Father Christmas came from? The raging beast. Don't let your kids watch this.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Primit aseara o chestie foarte faina. e cu un profesor care preda Introducere in Management, la University of Florida. Un om foooarte simpatic. Enjoy.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pentru superstitiosi... sa nu fie 13
"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim.It is your evil that will be sought by us.With every breath, we shall hunt them down.Each day we will spill their blood til it rains down from the skies.Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three and on that day you will reap it. And we will send you to which ever god you wish.And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
Mmmmm... In sfarsit pot sa urasc cu adevarat. Ciudat fiindca pana acum nu am urat pe nimeni cu adevarat. Ura de aia bolnava in care iti doresti ca tinta, nu sa moara (prea usor), sa traiasca o durere constanta care sa duca la suicid. Sa traiasca in depresie continua, ura care sa faca tinta sa se urasca pe sine atat de tare incat sa vomite de fiecare data cand se uita in oglinda. Ura care sa te faca sa urasti mai departe tot ce tine de tine. Uraaaaa. Foarte funny fara diacritice. Uraaaaa. My last emo post :).
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Cateodata ma gandesc cum ar fi fost lucrurile daca as fi fost bogat :). toti facem asta, nu? daca as fi fost bogat as fi fost cel mai naspa si mai nasol om de pe lumea asta.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Fara numar
Pentru cineva, acum uitat si ignorat. Pentru mine, pentru tine, cel ce citesti nonsensul asta.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oldies, but not so goldies
Astea sunt niste aberatii de demult. Unele au greseli de tot felul dar refuz sa le corectez.
Vine un doctor si se scarpina dupa ureche si zice:
"Cred ca ar trebui indepartata"
Un interlocutor:
D: "Pai parca nu e de acolo"
I: "Aveti dreptate"
D: "Stiu"
I: "Cineva sa vina, va rog, sa indeparteze banana de la raionul de cosmetice!"
Trei catei mancau un om. La un moment dat unul din catei ia capul omului si fuge cu el. Ceilalti doi fug dupa el. Omul se ridica si pleaca acasa. Se suie in tramvai unde se intalneste cu nevasta vecinului care avea pe cap soarele. Pe soare locuiau oamenii soarelui care gateau la lumina lumanarilor. Unul din oamenii soarelui sare atat de tare incat ajunge pe luna. Luna era pustie. Atat de pustie incat nu aveai unde sa arunci un ac. Nimeni nu misca, nimeni nu vorbea. Toti erau intr'un fel de transa cosmica. Tentaculele subtiri se intindeau la infinit unde se impreunau, formand o impletitura, impletitura purtata de fetita care vindea fier vechi. Fetita nu avea parinti. Fetita nu avea rude. Avea doar fier. Mult fier. Mult si ruginit.
So... Once upon a time... era o bucata de bauxita. si cum statea ea cuminte sub pamant un nene negru pe fata vine si o scoate la lumina. dupa lungi si dureroase procese tehnologice. a noastra bauxita ajunge i cutie de aluminiu. de fapt o cutie goala, fara suflet, fara esenta, fara sentimente. cutia era trista. ii lipsea ceva. nu stia ce, dar simtea ecoul din ea. simtea ca nu e completa. nici macar cand i'au dat culoare, nu s'a simtit mai bine. ceva trebuia facut. si s'a facut. pe neasteptate ceva urias o ridica de pe locul unde isi varsa amarul si o duse intr'un loc intunecat. i se facu frica. asta era. aici e sfarsitul drumului. s'a terminat. ecoul persista. locul incepuse sa vibreze. din ce in ce mai tare. tensiunea crestea si o data cu ea crestea si frica cutiei. incerca sa se imbarbateze, sa isi spuna ca o sa fie bine, dar ecoul din ea ii spunea ca o sa inceteze sa existe. vibratiile au incetat. ea inca traieste. lumina. lumina orbitoare. lumina peste tot. galagie, agitatie. fericire. "sunt vie". dar ecoul. ecoul... ecoul. masini imense, benzi rulante, pompe, siiiii... lichidul. daaaa... lichidul acela blond. mai frumos ca orice. care curge in valuri si... si... umple goluri. goluri de care ea vrea sa scape si o data cu aceste goluri si de ecou. daca nu ar fi fost atat de sclipitoare probabil ca ar fi devenit in acel moment. stia ca totul va fi bine. ecoul o tinea pe a lui. dar ea nu mai auzea. nu mai gandea. era ca un tantar atras de lumina mortala a unei capcane. asteapta la rand. in stange si in dreapta sunt altele ca ea. toate avand aceeasi angoasa. toate sclipesc. toate ignorand ecoul. toate radiind de fericire. ii vine randul. un furtund se apropie cu un zambet profesional de ea. ea se astepta la un fel de ritual. furtunul ii umple golul. orgasmul suprem. fericire totala. nirvana. daca ar fi avut gura ar fi tipat. asa doar s'a multumit cu un baldabac scurt. i s'a pus capac. era intreaga. era fericita. nu o interesa ca are capac. era fericita. intuneric. locul iar vibreaza. ecoul disparuse. era bine. nu ii era frica. acum parca avea suflet. de fapt chiar avea suflet. suflet de o frumusete rara. suflet blond. lumina. racoare. chiar rece si foarte multa lumina. ii placea. era in centrul atentiei. se simtea privita si dorita. ii placea la nebunie acest sentiment.
o saptamana a trecut. acelasi sentiment persista. nu se putea satura de el. a fost miscata. totul e rosu. ceva mai putina lumina. incepe sa transpire. e agitata. incearca sa se calmeze. a fost atinsa. nu e obsnuita cu asa ceva. ii place, dar i se pare pervers. nu stie ce sa mai creada. e confuza. deodata ramane fara capac. se sperie. parca a mica parte din sufletul ei s'a dus. de ce ea!!!!??? de ce?! simte ecoul. il aude cum rade sadic de durerea ei. ecoul devine din ce in ce mai puternic. o data cu aparitia ecoului sufletul devine din ce in ce mai slab. intrase in panica. doare. doare tare. tristetea se instaleaza. deznadejdea se instaleaza. sufletul a disparut. se simte goala. se simte moarta. s'a terminat. sau cel putin asa a crezut. ceva metalic o strapunge si o taie. pentru prima oara interiorul ei ia legatura cu exteriorul. acum s'a terminat. acum si'a dat seama seama ca ecoul avea dreptate. ar fi trebuit sa il asculte. ea era doar o simpla placere a unor barbari. aruncata, parasita intr'un colt al acestui iad rosu is da ultima suflare. intuneric. moarte. umilinta. violare. moarte.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Experimentul Vasilica
Toata lumea il stie pe Vasilica. Tu il stii pe Vasilica? NU?! Nu se poate. Vasilica bre. Pfff. Hai ca iti zic cine e Vasilica.
Povestea lui incepe o data cu momentul in care omul a inceput sa mearga in doua picioare, acum mult mult timp. Vasilica asta a fost acolo si a pus piedica, spre veselia tutor involuatilor de pe vremea aceea. Lucru amuzant e ca lumea l'a uitat sau l'a trecut vederea. Si totusi el a ramas pe loc, uitandu'se la ei inexpresiv. Sa nu ma intelegeti gresit: si el s'a amuzat, dar s'a amuzat asa fara expresie, ca si cum ar fi fost mort. Oricum toata lumea il considera mort, asta in momentele in care el era luat in considerare.
Sa trecem peste momentele alea si sa inaintam putin in timp. Vasilica a avut un rol crucial in dezvoltarea armelor si uneltelor. Da... A fost acolo... din nou, la fel de inexpresiv si "mort".
As putea spune despre Vasilica ca este nemuritor, statornic, cu toate ca nu e chiar asa. Vasilica asta se reinventeaza singur, il reinventeaza altii, transforma, se transforma si este transformat. Nu stiu exact cat de mult ii convine treaba asta, dar nu are nici o reactie. Poate ar trebui sa isi dezvolte o coloana vertebrala. Vorbeam cu cineva zilele trecute si am gasit o metoda, inca netestata, cred, cel putin nu de noi, cum sa obtii o coloana vertebrala. Metoda e de o simplitate copilareasca si este cam asa: se ia un bat si se infinge in cur, cat ma tare si mai adanc. Revenind la Vasilica. Hai sa ii facem coloana. Este o problema: nu ii gasim curul. Nu se poate! Toata lumea are un cur sau macar un orificiu buco-anal, ceva acolo. Vasilica nu are sau nu am gasit noi. Ne mai gandim. Poate nu ii trebuie... poate nu vrea. Dar pentru numele zeilor! Nu reactioneaza! Ce vrea Vasilica asta? Ii fericit, il doare, e trist? Da'l dracului! Il luam si il aruncam inapoi in raul in care l'am gasit. Sic! Stai acolo.
Povestea lui incepe o data cu momentul in care omul a inceput sa mearga in doua picioare, acum mult mult timp. Vasilica asta a fost acolo si a pus piedica, spre veselia tutor involuatilor de pe vremea aceea. Lucru amuzant e ca lumea l'a uitat sau l'a trecut vederea. Si totusi el a ramas pe loc, uitandu'se la ei inexpresiv. Sa nu ma intelegeti gresit: si el s'a amuzat, dar s'a amuzat asa fara expresie, ca si cum ar fi fost mort. Oricum toata lumea il considera mort, asta in momentele in care el era luat in considerare.
Sa trecem peste momentele alea si sa inaintam putin in timp. Vasilica a avut un rol crucial in dezvoltarea armelor si uneltelor. Da... A fost acolo... din nou, la fel de inexpresiv si "mort".
As putea spune despre Vasilica ca este nemuritor, statornic, cu toate ca nu e chiar asa. Vasilica asta se reinventeaza singur, il reinventeaza altii, transforma, se transforma si este transformat. Nu stiu exact cat de mult ii convine treaba asta, dar nu are nici o reactie. Poate ar trebui sa isi dezvolte o coloana vertebrala. Vorbeam cu cineva zilele trecute si am gasit o metoda, inca netestata, cred, cel putin nu de noi, cum sa obtii o coloana vertebrala. Metoda e de o simplitate copilareasca si este cam asa: se ia un bat si se infinge in cur, cat ma tare si mai adanc. Revenind la Vasilica. Hai sa ii facem coloana. Este o problema: nu ii gasim curul. Nu se poate! Toata lumea are un cur sau macar un orificiu buco-anal, ceva acolo. Vasilica nu are sau nu am gasit noi. Ne mai gandim. Poate nu ii trebuie... poate nu vrea. Dar pentru numele zeilor! Nu reactioneaza! Ce vrea Vasilica asta? Ii fericit, il doare, e trist? Da'l dracului! Il luam si il aruncam inapoi in raul in care l'am gasit. Sic! Stai acolo.
10 sau 11
Stau pe scaun si imi e dor de ea. Nu stiu sigur daca e normal. Nu stiu sigur daca e normal sa imi fie dor de ea. Nu prea sunt sigur de aproape nimic. Sunt sigur de faptul ca nu ma plac in stari de genul acesta. Mi s'a spus ca nu ar trebui sa imi fie dor. Mi s'a oferit un tratament rece. E ca atunci cand ti se spune ca e normal sa primesti o masa calda pe zi, dar tot timpul la tine ajunge rece. Nu'i corect. Vrei o mancare calda, ai dreptul la ea, ai muncit pentru ea. Cineva totusi decide ca tot ce meriti e o masa rece. Stupid si incorect.
Stare de cacat. Stare incontrolabila. Genul de stare in care ajungi sa faci lucruri prostesti. Lucruri care nu sunt corecte fata de altii, fata de tine. Dar le faci fiindca esti un prost.
Trist dom'le. Trist.
Stare de cacat. Stare incontrolabila. Genul de stare in care ajungi sa faci lucruri prostesti. Lucruri care nu sunt corecte fata de altii, fata de tine. Dar le faci fiindca esti un prost.
Trist dom'le. Trist.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
9 sau 10
Sta acolo singurica si neatinsa. De fiecare data cand intru in camera o gasesc intoarsa cu fundul la mine. Da, stiu ca e perversa, dar ea nu are fundul ca altele. Ma invita in subliminal sa o calaresc. Ma chinuie. Am parte de abstinenta si asta o simt de fiecare data cand sunt in RATB si-mi vine sa urlu. Da, imi vine sa urlu dar nu de placere; nu de orgasmul ce mi-l oferea zilnic cand ma facea sa simt ca plutesc. Nu, urlu de frustrare.
Acum imi e frig. Ma gandesc cum ma transpira. Ma transpira si nu se oprea pana eu nu eram multumit. Nu se oprea pana eu nu ajungeam acolo. Odata ajuns acolo, eu, ca un bou, o paraseam, iar ea ma astepta cuminte. Mereu ma intorceam cu gandul ca cineva sa nu o fi violat. Nu-mi puteam imagina ideea ca cineva sa o ia de langa mine, ca ea sa transpire pe altcineva si sa-i satisfaca nevoile. Tocmai de aceea cand ajungeam la ea, deja eram excitat din cauza faptului ca ma gandisem cum o sa o calaresc. Uite asa, uneori o fortam inca din start. Urla la inceput, dar apoi gemea frumos.
Acum imi e dor de gemetul ei. Imi pare rau. Nu am folosit lubrifiant ultima data. Am ranit-o. In plus, am fortat-o. Preludiul nu a existat, am calarit-o tare inca de la inceput, apoi a durut-o. A urlat, dar nu am ascultat-o. Am continuat intr-un mod barbar si ce era mai urat s-a intamplat.
E ora 03:23 dimineata(sau seara) si-mi este dor de iubita mea, bicicleta.
Inca are lantul rupt. Nu am ajuns cu ea in Decathlon pt ca nu m-a ajutat tata cu masina de serviciu. Nu stiu sa pun lant nou sau sa-l repar pe cel vechi + ca inca e in garantie.
7 sau 8 sau cat o mai fi
Zilele astea am ajuns la o concluzie. De fapt am fost ajutat de prieteni sa ajung la o concluzie: prima oara e funny, a doua oara e legendary. Asa ceva nu se poate. De doua ori la rand. Life is weird. Indeed.
Tot ce mai imi ramane de facut e sa...
Tot ce mai imi ramane de facut e sa...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do people drink? Why other people do not drink at all?
Well... why do i drink?
I for two main purposes:
1. Some booze has a good taste. Nothing compares with a good and tasty wine, at the right temperature. A good, refreshing and juicy beer. Or some sangria or other cocktails.
2. I drink 'cause i lose control. People in general lose control and become more friendly or more aggressive. Either way is good. You could have the fun of your life beating the shit out of a dude or getting beaten up, as long as you have drank as much as him. 4 dudes making karaoke on Jame Blunt. That's brutal. Even the dog left.
I dunno.. i know that booze is not that good, but once in a while is good to get very drunk. Stress reliefing.
I'm such an idiot
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Asta e editia magica cu numarul 4. Multi ar veni cu urmatorul contra-argument: "pai nu e fiindca 4 nu e numar magic." Din pacate pentru mama lor eu o sa zambesc :). 4 e magic fiindca asa zic eu. 4 e magic fiindca are pereche si nu se plictiseste. Dar atunci 2 de ce nu e magic? Doar "e pereche"? Pe dracu', 2 nici macar nu stie sa se distreze. E unu si cu inca unu... pfff... extra lame. Dar 4... mmmmm... 4 e tata lor, 4 stie, si stie bine. 4 e magic si va ramane magic pana cand voi spune eu. 4 si cu marti. da, 4 si cu marti. marti... marti... marti. Curand.
Monday, June 15, 2009
KC and the Sunshine Band - I'm your boogie man
asta e blogul fara numar.
Audio Clip
"I'm your boogie man that's what I am
I'm here to do whatever I can
Be it early mornin' late afternoon
Or at midnight it's never too soon"
mmmm.... yes i am. hiding under your bed, drooling behind the curtain when you shower, looking at you from the oven every time you cook something, watching you while sleep, waiting for you to wake, to make me disappear...
... all this while dancing funky music.
Audio Clip
"I'm your boogie man that's what I am
I'm here to do whatever I can
Be it early mornin' late afternoon
Or at midnight it's never too soon"
mmmm.... yes i am. hiding under your bed, drooling behind the curtain when you shower, looking at you from the oven every time you cook something, watching you while sleep, waiting for you to wake, to make me disappear...
... all this while dancing funky music.
Monday, June 8, 2009

A real gentleman wears his hat properly.
De vreo luna si ceva am ramas fara serviciu. Mna s'a terminat treaba si dupa cum a fost stabilit in contract, a trebuit sa ma duc acasa :). No problemo. Asta daca nu ar fi intervenit plictiseala ma'sii.
Ca orice om care prevede o vacanta in viitorul apropiat, te bucuri. Chiar zambesti ca prostul la toata lumea care lucreaza, esti politicos cu toti, poti trai fara tigari, fara cafea, fara nevoia de a injura pe cineva in momentele grele ale zilei. Moama ce frumos. Si vine ziua fatidica cand, gata, nu trebuie sa te mai trezesti la 7 (chiar daca eu ma trezeam cand incepea serviciul, dar vorbim asa... in teorie), nu trebuie sa iesi din casa si poti face tot ce vrei tu toata ziua. Eram bucuros, asa, in sinea mea... Asta primele 3 zile, cand m'am trezit spaland vasele, dand cu matura, facand curat... then i clicked. Mi'am dat seama ca ma plictisesc ingrozitor de tare. Si o plictiseala de aia care te face sa te dai cu capul de un zid doar ca sa a impresia ca ai facut ceva. Bineinteles ca postul asta o sa ramana incomplet. Maybe next time i'll get to the point. Trully yours stupid blogger, nils
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Am gasit. Cel putin partial am gasit raspunsul la intrebarea pusa in prima parte a acestei experiente care este bloggul :). O sa la pun pe puncte, asa structurate frumos:
- am vazut la mai multi oameni. Probabil ca este o moda sa ai blog si eu m'am hotarat sa fiu trendy. Cel mai trendy.
- no job, no money, no woman. Un barbat adevarat trebuie sa aibe ceva de facut. Asa ca am ales varianta cea mai gay si mi'am facut blog (un zambet pe sub mustata imi rasare pe fatza)
- probabil ca am ceva de spus si cum nu prea ies din casa sa vad si eu o fatza de om, am zis ca e bine sa spun pe aici. Ma indoiesc ca o sa citeasca cineva prostiile de aici, dar na, incercarea moarte n'are
Uite asa m'am "trezit" azi sa imi fac blog. Foarte ciudat este ca habar n'am de ce. Curand o sa aflu si in editia cu numarul 2 al blogului o sa impartasesc de ce. Pana atunci pace voua care nu va cunosc. Pe restul va cunosc.
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